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How Hybrid Homeschooling Works

We are a hybrid homeschooling model that offers 2 days on campus and 3 days at home. On-site days are a drop-off model, where students are taught by teachers the core subjects; math, language arts, science, and history. The other 3 days of the week students are taught at home by their parent/guardian.

Each month our teachers for each grade create lesson plans for use both at home and on campus. These plans give parents the tools and direction needed so they can be confident in their ability to be their children's primary teacher at home for the other three days of the week. 

This hybrid homeschool model provides parents an opportunity to partner with real teachers to cultivate a multi-faceted learning experience for their children.

What Is The Time Commitment For The Homeschool Parent?

We are a hybrid homeschool program, which means parents will be taking an active role in teaching their children. During the three days off-campus, your role isn't simply to monitor your child while they "do homework", but to be prepared by reviewing the day's lessons and utilizing the teacher handbooks.

Generally, we tell people to consider homeschooling in this manner your part-time job. While some students are quite self-sufficient, and may be able to make it through assignments independently, the parent's involvement and oversight as a teacher and as a support system is crucial for optimal learning and development.

Do I Have To Stay During On-Campus Days?

On-Campus days are drop-off days, which means parents don't have to stay on site. Drop-off is at 8:20 am and pickup is at 2:20 pm.

Do I Have To Purchase My Own Curriculum?

Yes, you will be responsible for purchasing the curriculum your student will use. The advantage to buying your own books is that if you are interested in saving money, you can buy the books used and sell them again at the end of the year.  

How Do I Know Which Curriculum To Buy?

A curriculum list will be provided for your child(s) grade once you register. 

Is The Cost of Curriculum Included In The Tuition?

No. The cost of tuition covers administrative costs such as teacher and admin pay, building rental, and class resources.

How Much Does Tuition Cost?

The total cost of tuition is $220 a month per child from August to May. There is also a $150 enrollment fee.

Do You Require Credentialed Classroom Teachers?

As Lighthouse Homeschool Academy is not a traditional school, but an education services provider for homeschooling families, a credential is not a requirement to teach at Lighthouse. Currently, our teaching staff has decades of teaching experience combined. While they aren't currently credentialed, many of them were teachers at reputable schools in the area. We also are open to hiring based on both the ability to utilize curriculum and manage a classroom.